Juan Valdez's Bold Leap - Coffee Expansion into North America

Juan Valdez's Bold Leap - Coffee Expansion into North America

The Juan Valdez coffee chain, in collaboration with the Green Coffee Company, announced a joint venture aimed at boosting their presence in the North American market. This partnership grants the Green Coffee Company rights to produce and distribute Juan Valdez branded coffee in supermarkets across the U.S. and Canada. Procafecol, managing the Juan Valdez brand, projects this deal to propel their market share of Colombian coffee in the U.S. to 25% and generate $100 million in sales by 2030. The deal leverages Green Coffee Company’s significant local production capabilities and deep understanding of the North American market to enhance the distribution of premium 100% Colombian coffee. This move marks a significant expansion for Juan Valdez, which has grown from a single cafe in 2002 to nearly 600 globally, including 12 in the U.S.


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