EU Deforestation Law Challenges Global Coffee Giants

EU Deforestation Law Challenges Global Coffee Giants

JDE Peet's, one of the world's leading coffee companies, expresses concerns about meeting the stringent requirements of a new EU law aimed at preventing deforestation. Set to take effect at the end of 2024, the law mandates that EU importers of commodities such as coffee and cocoa must verify that their products do not contribute to forest destruction. This legislation is part of the EU's broader effort to combat climate change. However, coffee producers from countries like Brazil and Indonesia argue that the law is discriminatory and could unfairly impact small-scale farmers. These farmers may struggle to provide necessary documentation, such as geolocation coordinates, proving that their cultivation does not involve newly deforested land. JDE Peet's is actively working to comply by enhancing its supply chain management and collaborating with coffee-producing nations to meet the EU's regulatory demands.


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