Durian Latte - The Exotic Coffee Trend Dividing Taste Buds

Durian Latte - The Exotic Coffee Trend Dividing Taste Buds

A fruit-centric coffee shop in NYC is turning heads with its durian latte. Known for its pungent odor, the “king of fruit” is now a top seller at Not as Bitter. Despite its divisive taste, the unique blend of durian puree, coconut milk, and espresso has intrigued many. The shop’s owner, Jeffrey Wang, says the drink’s distinctive sweetness and creaminess have won over adventurous coffee lovers. However, the strong flavor isn't for everyone, with some customers finding it overwhelming. This quirky concoction reflects a broader trend of blending coffee with unconventional ingredients, a practice inspired by Chinese coffee culture. While the durian latte may not be universally loved, it’s certainly making waves in the coffee world.


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