Dream Revived - Couple Opens Unique Coffee Shop in Wyoming

Dream Revived - Couple Opens Unique Coffee Shop in Wyoming

Audra Dominguez revisited her high school dream of owning a coffee shop when her husband, Rojelio, encouraged her to pursue her long-forgotten passion. Decades after shelving the idea for practical reasons, the couple embarked on turning a historic home in Thermopolis, Wyoming, into Audra's Copper Coo. The coffee shop stands out with its Scottish Highland coo theme and offers distinctive coffee mocktails that mimic classic cocktails. The Wake-up Bloody Mary, for example, replaces vodka with a shot of cold-brewed espresso, maintaining the traditional drink's taste and experience. Audra's Copper Coo not only serves unique beverages but also embodies a story of love, support, and the realization of a delayed dream.


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