Brew Espresso Anywhere with the Outin Nano Portable Machine

Brew Espresso Anywhere with the Outin Nano Portable Machine

The Outin Nano Portable Espresso Machine revolutionizes coffee brewing for outdoor enthusiasts by providing a compact, robust solution to enjoy a rich espresso anytime, anywhere. This innovative device features a built-in 20 bar pressure pump that efficiently extracts coffee with a delightful crema. It’s uniquely designed to heat 50ml of water to the optimal espresso temperature of 198°F in just 200 seconds without the need for pre-heated water, thanks to its revolutionary heating blade.

The machine supports both ground coffee and coffee capsules, making it versatile for different preferences. It operates on a powerful 7500mAh rechargeable battery, capable of brewing 200 cups on a single charge with pre-heated water, and up to five cups with room temperature water. Lightweight at 670 grams and IPX4-rated waterproof, the Outin Nano is designed for portability and durability, fitting easily into outdoor gear and even charging via USB-C.


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