A 13-year-old girl tragically lost her life due to a severe dairy allergy after consuming a hot chocolate from Costa Coffee. The inquest revealed a breakdown in communication regarding her allergies, leading to her receiving a drink made with cow's milk instead of the requested soya milk. Hannah Jacobs, who had a history of severe allergies, died shortly after taking a sip of the drink. The coroner pointed out that both the coffee shop staff and Hannah's mother failed to follow proper allergy protocols. Additionally, neither of them had an EpiPen on hand, which could have prevented the fatal reaction. Hannah’s mother expressed her frustration with the food service industry's allergy training, calling for better awareness and stronger measures to protect those with allergies. This heart-wrenching incident emphasizes the critical need for improved training and communication in food service to prevent similar tragedies in the future.
• Hannah Jacobs suffered a fatal allergic reaction after drinking hot chocolate.
• The drink was made with cow's milk instead of the requested soya milk.
• Both the mother and daughter did not have an EpiPen available.
• There is a call for better allergy training and awareness in the food industry.
This heartbreaking event serves as a wake-up call for the food industry and society at large. It highlights the importance of effective communication about allergies and the need for rigorous training for staff. By implementing better practices, we can help prevent similar tragedies and ensure the safety of individuals with allergies. The call for government action to support those with allergies is crucial in creating a safer environment for everyone.
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