The Buzz About Coffee-Based Diets - Can a Cup of Joe Help You Shed Pounds?

The Buzz About Coffee-Based Diets - Can a Cup of Joe Help You Shed Pounds?

Recent trends in coffee-inspired diets are gaining popularity, with claims that regular coffee consumption can aid in weight loss. A study from Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health found that drinking four cups of coffee daily can reduce body fat by about 4%. Two popular diets, the 7-second coffee loophole and the Coffee Diet, promise a leaner physique through strategic coffee drinking. The 7-second coffee loophole encourages drinking a cup of coffee within seven seconds of feeling hungry, often with supplements like chromium and green tea extract to enhance metabolism and suppress appetite. The Coffee Diet suggests consuming three cups of black coffee daily while following a whole foods diet to boost metabolism and reduce hunger. Both diets emphasize the importance of black coffee without additives to maximize benefits. While coffee offers health perks like improved focus, better physical performance, and protection against diseases, it also has downsides like increased blood pressure and anxiety. Despite these potential benefits, a balanced diet and active lifestyle remain essential for overall health.


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