Swiss Sustainable Coffee Platform - A Step Towards Ethical Brewing

Swiss Sustainable Coffee Platform - A Step Towards Ethical Brewing

The Swiss Sustainable Coffee Platform (SSCP) has been launched to address social and economic injustices in the coffee sector. Supported by the Swiss government’s economic affairs agency SECO, the initiative aims to unite stakeholders from the Swiss coffee industry, civil society, and academia to work on sustainability solutions related to farmer prosperity, human rights, and environmental issues. Despite Switzerland's small size, it plays a significant role in the global coffee trade, housing major companies like Nestlé and Volcafe. The SSCP builds on the private-sector engagement fostered by the Community of Interest Coffee Switzerland. Nicolas A. Tamari, president of the Swiss Coffee Trade Association, emphasizes the need for shared responsibility in enhancing sustainability. While MSIs, like the SSCP, have been effective in engaging stakeholders, they face criticism for potentially allowing corporations to dominate the sustainability narrative. Swiss watchdog NGO Public Eye has specifically criticized the SSCP for being a “legally non-binding chatterbox,” highlighting the need for more accountability from roasters and traders.


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