Stereotypical Coffee Orders - What Baristas Really Think

Stereotypical Coffee Orders - What Baristas Really Think

Baristas often develop subtle (and not-so-subtle) stereotypes about their customers based on their coffee orders. For instance, Frappuccino enthusiasts in winter are often seen as high-maintenance, while those ordering extra-dry cappuccinos can be a barista's nightmare. Matcha and chai drinkers, on the other hand, are generally perceived as laid-back and health-conscious. The caramel macchiato crowd is notorious for expecting a Starbucks-like experience and often gets frustrated when their drink doesn’t match their high expectations. Cold brew orders are stereotypically linked to 'Kyles,' while espresso Frappuccinos are humorously associated with elderly women or those in disguise. Complicated orders with multiple customizations, especially during busy hours, can earn a customer some silent judgment, especially if they are impatient. On the other hand, customers ordering middle-complexity drinks are usually the best tippers. Interestingly, customers who demand extra hot drinks are believed to have lost sensitivity in their taste buds. The list of stereotypes goes on, each revealing unique insights into the quirks and frustrations of the barista-customer dynamic.


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