Robo-Barista Brews Buzz at Muji

Robo-Barista Brews Buzz at Muji

Jarvis, an AI-powered robotic barista, has become a popular attraction at the Japanese home goods store Muji in Hudson Yards. Named after Iron Man's virtual assistant, Jarvis serves up a variety of coffee drinks, dances, and even suggests tipping through a tablet interface. Customers are intrigued by the novelty of the robotic service, and some even feel compelled to tip for the entertaining experience. The tips, however, go to Jarvis's human manager for maintenance and upkeep. Artly Coffee, the creator of Jarvis, has deployed 25 robots in the US and plans to announce new locations soon. Despite concerns about the impact on the barista industry, customers and robotics experts believe there's a positive side to such automation.


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