Hawaiian Coffee Labeling Act 211 - New Rules for Authenticity

Hawaiian Coffee Labeling Act 211 - New Rules for Authenticity

The Hawaiian Coffee Labeling Act 211, effective July 1, mandates that all coffee products labeled with a Hawai‘i geographical reference disclose the coffee's origin within the state and the percentage of locally grown versus imported coffee. This law, aimed at ensuring transparency and authenticity, requires coffee labeled as 100% Hawaiian to be entirely grown and processed in Hawai‘i. Despite the lack of additional inspection staff, the Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture plans to increase retail inspections and may rely on complaint-driven enforcement. Key requirements include the origin and weight percentage of coffee beans on the front label, especially for blends, ready-to-drink beverages, and single-serve or bulk packaging. Non-compliance or mislabeling cases can be reported to the HDOA’s Measurement Standards Branch. The law intends to protect the integrity of Hawaiian coffee brands and provide consumers with accurate product information.


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