Coffee's Dark Secret

Coffee's Dark Secret

The shocking truth about America's favorite morning pick-me-up is that it may contain a few unwanted ingredients - namely, cockroach legs and even animal poop. According to the FDA, pre-ground coffee, which accounts for 75% of coffee sales in the US, can contain up to 4-6% bug parts, including cockroach legs, due to infestations in coffee stockpiles. While this may seem unsettling, the FDA deems it acceptable as long as companies make an effort to keep their products clean. In fact, the agency has established "acceptable" levels of bug parts and other contaminants in various foods, including coffee. This is not unique to coffee, as many foods can contain small amounts of insects, mold, or other impurities. While it may be unpleasant, it's not necessarily unsafe, unless you have an allergy. For those who are concerned, buying whole beans and grinding them at home or at a local coffee shop can minimize the risk of unwanted additives.


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