Climate Change Brews Trouble for Coffee Production

Climate Change Brews Trouble for Coffee Production

Coffee, a staple for billions, is grown in over 70 countries, supporting 125 million people. However, climate change is threatening this vital crop. Rising temperatures and erratic rainfall are affecting key coffee-growing regions in South America, Africa, and Asia. Studies predict a significant reduction in suitable coffee land by 2050. Arabica, which constitutes 70% of global coffee production, is particularly vulnerable due to its narrow temperature preference. Alternatives include shifting cultivation to higher altitudes or cooler regions, and revisiting traditional agroforestry methods, which could offer more resilience by providing shade and supporting biodiversity. Additionally, exploring forgotten coffee species might offer new solutions. However, these strategies alone may not suffice as temperatures continue to climb. Immediate actions combined with long-term breeding programs are essential to sustain the coffee industry in the face of changing climate conditions.


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