Buzzing with Excitement - Esko High School's Student-Run Coffee Shop

Buzzing with Excitement - Esko High School's Student-Run Coffee Shop

A new student-run coffee shop, Kahvia, has opened at Esko High School, creating excitement among students and teachers alike. This initiative not only serves delicious coffee but also provides valuable hands-on experience for students enrolled in an entrepreneurship class. The project allows students to engage in various aspects of running a business, from selecting coffee beans to designing the logo.

• Long lines have formed daily since the shop's opening, indicating strong interest from the school community.

• Students conducted surveys to create a menu that reflects the preferences of their peers.

• The shop aims to be a learning tool for future entrepreneurship classes, focusing on education over immediate profits.

• Once initial equipment costs are covered, profits will be reinvested into the shop, allowing students to decide on future expansions.

This coffee shop is more than just a place to grab a drink; it fosters essential business skills and encourages student involvement in their school's community. The project aims to empower students, preparing them for future entrepreneurial endeavors.


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