Brazil OKs Cyantraniliprole to Fight Coffee Borer Beetle

Brazil OKs Cyantraniliprole to Fight Coffee Borer Beetle


Brazil's government has approved the use of pesticides containing cyantraniliprole to combat the coffee borer beetle, a move that comes as a relief to coffee cooperatives who had been lobbying for an alternative to endolsulfan. The approval is significant, given the country's recent declaration of a state of emergency in top coffee-growing state Minas Gerais due to the beetle's impact. While the pesticide has been approved for use in several countries, including the US, EU, Canada, and Japan, environmental groups have raised concerns about its potential harm to various species. In fact, the Center for Biological Diversity has sued the US Environmental Protection Agency over the approval of cyantraniliprole, citing its potential risks. Nevertheless, Brazil's Agriculture Ministry believes the pesticide will protect future crops from the beetle. This development highlights the delicate balance between ensuring food security and protecting the environment.





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