Coffee and Butter

Why Coffee and Butter Is the Power Breakfast for Ketogenic Dieters

In the misty mountains of Tibet, a weary traveler stumbled upon a small village. Exhausted from his trek, he was invited into a local's home and offered a steaming mug of yak butter tea. As he sipped the rich, creamy beverage, he felt a surge of energy and clarity, unlike anything he'd experienced before. This traveler was none other than Dave Asprey, the creator of Bulletproof Coffee. Inspired by his transformative experience in Tibet, Asprey set out to share the power of butter coffee with the world.

Fast forward to today, and butter coffee has become the go-to morning elixir for countless ketogenic dieters. It's a creamy, frothy concoction that blends high-quality coffee with grass-fed butter and brain-boosting MCT oil, promising sustained energy, mental clarity, and accelerated fat burning. But what is it about this unconventional combination that has captured the hearts and taste buds of so many? Is it just another fad, or is there something truly magical about the marriage of coffee and butter?

Let's find out in this blog article!

I. Historical Background

Ancient Origins

The practice of adding butter to hot beverages is not a modern invention. It has deep roots in several ancient cultures. In Ethiopia, a traditional snack known as "buna kibe" combines coffee beans with ghee (clarified butter) and salt, creating a nourishing and energizing treat. Similarly, in the harsh, mountainous regions of Tibet, "po cha," a tea made with yak butter, has been consumed for centuries as a high-calorie beverage to provide warmth and sustenance. These age-old traditions demonstrate that the concept of blending butter with coffee or tea is not as unusual as it might seem at first glance. Our ancestors recognized the value of combining the stimulating properties of these beverages with the satiating and energy-dense qualities of butter.

Modern Popularity

Fast forward to the present day, and butter coffee has experienced a resurgence in popularity, largely thanks to the efforts of Dave Asprey, the creator of Bulletproof Coffee. In the early 2010s, Asprey introduced his version of the beverage, which combines high-quality coffee with grass-fed butter and medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil. His recipe quickly gained traction among biohackers, wellness enthusiasts, and, most notably, followers of the ketogenic diet. The ketogenic diet, which emphasizes high-fat, low-carbohydrate foods, has found a perfect partner in butter coffee. The drink's combination of healthy fats and caffeine aligns seamlessly with the goals of the keto lifestyle, providing a source of sustained energy and promoting a state of ketosis, where the body burns fat for fuel.

II. Health Benefits

Nutritional Advantages

One of the key reasons behind the popularity of butter coffee among keto dieters is its impressive nutritional profile. When made with high-quality ingredients, this beverage offers a range of potential health benefits. First, let's talk about the butter. Opt for grass-fed butter, which is rich in essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and vitamins A and K2. These nutrients support heart health, boost immune function, and promote healthy bones and teeth. Next, consider the addition of MCT oil, a type of fat derived from coconut oil. MCTs are rapidly absorbed and converted into ketones, providing a quick and efficient energy source for both the brain and body. MCT oil also boasts anti-inflammatory properties, which can help support overall health and well-being.

Weight Management

For those following a ketogenic diet, weight loss is often a primary goal. Butter coffee can be a valuable ally in this pursuit, thanks to its ability to promote satiety and curb cravings. The high-fat content of butter coffee helps you feel full and satisfied, reducing the likelihood of reaching for sugary snacks or overeating later in the day. Additionally, the MCTs in the beverage have been shown to boost metabolic rate, helping your body burn fat more efficiently. By incorporating butter coffee into your morning routine, you may find it easier to stick to your keto meal plan and achieve your weight loss objectives.

Cognitive Benefits

Think about starting your day with a drink that not only energizes your body but also sharpens your mind. Butter coffee delivers on this promise, thanks to the synergistic effects of caffeine and healthy fats. The caffeine in coffee is well-known for its ability to enhance mental alertness and concentration. When combined with the slow-release energy provided by the fats in grass-fed butter and MCT oil, you can expect a sustained boost in cognitive performance throughout the morning. Many keto dieters report experiencing improved mental clarity, focus, and productivity after incorporating butter coffee into their daily routine. This can be especially beneficial for those who need to tackle mentally demanding tasks or stay sharp during long meetings.

III. Preparation and Variations

Basic Recipe

Now that you're convinced of the potential benefits of butter coffee, it's time to learn how to make this delicious and nourishing beverage at home. The basic recipe is simple and requires just a few key ingredients:

  • High-quality, freshly brewed coffee
  • 1-2 tablespoons of unsalted, grass-fed butter
  • 1-2 tablespoons of MCT oil or coconut oil

To prepare your butter coffee, start by brewing your favorite coffee using your preferred method. Pour the hot coffee into a blender, add the butter and MCT oil, and blend until the mixture is frothy and well-combined about 20-30 seconds. The blending process is crucial, as it ensures a smooth, latte-like consistency and helps to emulsify the fats, creating a creamy and satisfying texture.


One of the beautiful things about butter coffee is its versatility. While the basic recipe is delicious on its own, there are countless ways to customize your drink to suit your taste preferences and nutritional needs. For example, you can experiment with adding flavors like cinnamon, vanilla extract, or unsweetened cocoa powder to create a gourmet-style beverage. If you're looking to boost the nutritional value even further, consider blending in a scoop of collagen peptides, which can support healthy skin, hair, and joints. If you're sensitive to lactose or follow a dairy-free diet, don't worry – you can still enjoy the benefits of butter coffee. Simply substitute the grass-fed butter with ghee, clarified butter that has had the milk solids removed. Ghee offers the same nourishing fats as butter, without the potential digestive discomfort for those with lactose intolerance.

IV. Cultural Impact and Popularity

Global Traditions

As we've explored, the practice of adding butter to coffee or tea is not a new concept. Cultures around the world have long recognized the value of this combination. In Vietnam, for example, "cà phê trứng" is a popular drink that combines coffee with whisked egg yolks and condensed milk, creating a rich and creamy beverage. Similarly, in Singapore and Malaysia, "kopi gu you" is a traditional coffee that includes a spoonful of butter, adding a luxurious texture and flavor to the drink. These global traditions serve as a reminder that the idea of blending fat with coffee is not as unconventional as it might initially seem. By embracing butter coffee, we are connecting with the wisdom of diverse cultures and rediscovering the nourishing potential of this age-old combination.

Modern Adoption

In recent years, butter coffee has taken the world by storm, gaining a dedicated following among health-conscious individuals and keto enthusiasts. The rise of social media has played a significant role in spreading the word about this unique beverage, with countless recipes, tutorials, and testimonials shared across platforms like Instagram and YouTube. As the popularity of butter coffee has grown, many cafes and coffee shops have begun to offer the drink on their menus, catering to the increasing demand for this nourishing and energizing beverage. This mainstream adoption has made it easier than ever for curious consumers to try butter coffee for themselves and experience its potential benefits firsthand.

V. Controversies and Considerations

Health Concerns

While butter coffee offers a range of potential benefits for keto dieters, it's essential to approach this beverage with a balanced perspective. Some health experts have raised concerns about the high calorie and saturated fat content of butter coffee, noting that consuming too much of these nutrients could have negative health implications. It's crucial to remember that butter coffee should be enjoyed as part of a well-rounded, nutrient-dense diet. Relying solely on this beverage for nourishment could lead to nutritional deficiencies and other health issues in the long term. As with any dietary change, it's always best to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to determine if butter coffee is right for your individual needs and goals.

Scientific Evidence

While the anecdotal evidence supporting the benefits of butter coffee is compelling, it's important to acknowledge that more rigorous scientific studies are needed to fully understand the impact of this beverage on health and performance. Some of the claims made about butter coffee, such as its ability to boost cognitive function and promote weight loss, are primarily based on the known effects of individual ingredients like caffeine and MCTs. However, the specific synergistic effects of combining these ingredients in the form of butter coffee have not been extensively studied in controlled clinical trials.

As the popularity of butter coffee continues to grow, more research will likely be conducted to explore the potential benefits and risks associated with this unique beverage. In the meantime, it's essential to approach the claims made about butter coffee with a critical eye and to make informed decisions based on the available evidence.


Butter coffee has emerged as a beloved beverage among keto dieters, offering a delicious and nourishing way to start the day. By blending high-quality coffee with grass-fed butter and MCT oil, this creamy concoction provides a source of sustained energy, healthy fats, and potential cognitive benefits. The historical and cultural roots of butter coffee demonstrate that the practice of combining fat with hot beverages is not a modern fad, but rather a time-honored tradition that has been rediscovered and adapted for the contemporary ketogenic lifestyle.

While more scientific research is needed to fully understand the impact of butter coffee on health and performance, the anecdotal evidence and individual experiences of countless keto dieters suggest that this unique beverage can be a valuable addition to a well-rounded, low-carbohydrate diet. If you're curious about incorporating butter coffee into your ketogenic journey, we encourage you to give it a try. Experiment with different recipes, find the perfect blend that suits your taste preferences and savor the rich, creamy goodness of this ultimate power breakfast.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is it good to put butter in your coffee?

Adding butter to your coffee can offer several potential benefits, particularly for those following a ketogenic diet:

  • Increased satiety: The high-fat content of butter can help you feel full and satisfied, reducing cravings and supporting weight management goals.
  • Sustained energy: The combination of caffeine and healthy fats provides a slow release of energy, helping you feel more alert and focused throughout the morning.
  • Enhanced fat burning: Consuming healthy fats like those found in grass-fed butter can promote ketosis, a metabolic state in which your body burns fat for fuel.

However, it's essential to remember that butter coffee should be consumed as part of a balanced diet and not relied upon as a sole source of nutrition.

What is a coffee with butter called?

Coffee with butter is most commonly known as "bulletproof coffee," a term coined by Dave Asprey, the creator of the Bulletproof Diet. However, you may also hear it referred to as:

  • Butter coffee
  • Keto coffee
  • MCT coffee
  • Fatty coffee

Regardless of the name, the core concept remains the same: a blend of high-quality coffee, grass-fed butter, and often MCT oil or coconut oil.

Why is it called bulletproof coffee?

The term "bulletproof coffee" was introduced by Dave Asprey, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur and biohacker. Asprey claims that he discovered the concept of adding butter to coffee while trekking in Tibet, where he was served yak butter tea by local villagers. Upon returning home, Asprey experimented with various ingredients to create a blend that would provide sustained energy, mental clarity, and other health benefits. He eventually settled on a combination of coffee, grass-fed butter, and MCT oil, which he dubbed "Bulletproof Coffee." The name "bulletproof" suggests that this coffee concoction is designed to make you feel invincible, providing you with the energy and mental fortitude to tackle any challenge that comes your way.

Is bulletproof coffee worth it?

Whether bulletproof coffee is worth it depends on your individual goals, preferences, and dietary needs. Many people who follow a ketogenic lifestyle swear by the benefits of bulletproof coffee, citing increased energy levels, improved mental clarity, and enhanced fat burning.

However, it's important to consider the following factors:

  1. Calorie content: Bulletproof coffee is high in calories due to the added butter and oil. If you're trying to lose weight, you'll need to account for these additional calories in your daily intake.
  2. Nutritional balance: While bulletproof coffee provides healthy fats, it lacks other essential nutrients like protein, fiber, and vitamins. It should not be used as a meal replacement regularly.
  3. Personal taste: Some people love the rich, creamy taste of bulletproof coffee, while others may find it too oily or heavy for their liking.

Ultimately, the decision to incorporate bulletproof coffee into your routine is a personal one. If you enjoy the taste and find that it supports your health and wellness goals, then it may be worth trying. However, it's always a good idea to listen to your body and consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet.




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